Source code for TagScriptEngine.block.randomblock

import random
from typing import Optional

from ..interface import verb_required_block
from ..interpreter import Context

[docs]class RandomBlock(verb_required_block(True, payload=True)): """ Pick a random item from a list of strings, split by either ``~`` or ``,``. An optional seed can be provided to the parameter to always choose the same item when using that seed. **Usage:** ``{random([seed]):<list>}`` **Aliases:** ``#, rand`` **Payload:** list **Parameter:** seed, None **Examples:** :: {random:Carl,Harold,Josh} attempts to pick the lock! # Possible Outputs: # Josh attempts to pick the lock! # Carl attempts to pick the lock! # Harold attempts to pick the lock! {=(insults):You're so ugly that you went to the salon and it took 3 hours just to get an estimate.~I'll never forget the first time we met, although I'll keep trying.~You look like a before picture.} {=(insult):{#:{insults}}} {insult} # Assigns a random insult to the insult variable """ ACCEPTED_NAMES = ("random", "#", "rand") def process(self, ctx: Context) -> Optional[str]: spl = [] if "~" in ctx.verb.payload: spl = ctx.verb.payload.split("~") else: spl = ctx.verb.payload.split(",") random.seed(ctx.verb.parameter) return random.choice(spl)