
Tags come with the ability to create powerful custom commands through the usage of tag blocks. The basic block begins with a { and ends with an }. More advanced blocks may contain after the block declaration () to specify a parameter or a : to specify a payload.

Block Syntax


[arg] = Optional

<arg> = Required



[p] is your prefix.

Add a tag using the following command:

[p]tag add mytag Hello world!

Invoke the tag with your bot prefix and the tag’s name as if it were a command:


The bot will then respond with the stored tag content:

Hello world!

Default Variables

Tags come with built-in variable blocks you can access for more information about the invocation context. These are:

  • args

  • author | user

  • target | member

  • channel

  • guild | server

You can see attributes available using these blocks in Default Variables.

Below is an example tag that returns info related to the tag author.

[p]tag add authorinfo Username: **{author}**
ID: **{author(id)}**
Creation Date: **{author(created_at)}**
Bot: **{author(bot)}**

The args block can be useful for customizing tags and works well with the Command Block. Simple echo command that validates if args were provided:

[p]tag add echo {if({args}==):You must provide text to echo.|{args}}

Here’s a tag that uses the default variable blocks as well as the If Block:

[p]tag add startertag Hi, this is an example of a tag.
This tag will now invoke a ping command.
    "title":"The server this was invoked on was {server}.",
    "description":"{if({args}==):You did not provide any arguments for this tag|The arguments provided were: `{args}`}",
    "author":{"name":"{author} invoked this tag.","icon_url":"{author(avatar)}"},
    "footer":{"icon_url":"{author(avatar)}","text":"{target} is the target of this tag."}