Source code for TagScriptEngine.block.embedblock

import json
from inspect import ismethod
from typing import Optional, Union

from discord import Colour, Embed

from ..exceptions import BadColourArgument, EmbedParseError
from ..interface import Block
from ..interpreter import Context
from .helpers import helper_split, implicit_bool

def string_to_color(argument: str) -> Colour:
    arg = argument.replace("0x", "").lower()

    if arg[0] == "#":
        arg = arg[1:]
        value = int(arg, base=16)
        if not (0 <= value <= 0xFFFFFF):
            raise BadColourArgument(arg)
        return Colour(value=value)
    except ValueError:
        arg = arg.replace(" ", "_")
        method = getattr(Colour, arg, None)
        if arg.startswith("from_") or method is None or not ismethod(method):
            raise BadColourArgument(arg)
        return method()

def set_color(embed: Embed, attribute: str, value: str):
    value = string_to_color(value)
    setattr(embed, attribute, value)

def set_dynamic_url(embed: Embed, attribute: str, value: str):
    method = getattr(embed, f"set_{attribute}")

def add_field(embed: Embed, _: str, payload: str):
    if (data := helper_split(payload, 3)) is None:
        raise EmbedParseError("`add_field` payload was not split by |")
        name, value, _inline = data
        inline = implicit_bool(_inline)
        if inline is None:
            raise EmbedParseError(
                "`inline` argument for `add_field` is not a boolean value (_inline)"
    except ValueError:
        name, value = helper_split(payload, 2)
        inline = False
    embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=inline)

def set_footer(embed: Embed, _: str, payload: str):
    data = helper_split(payload, 2)
    if data is None:
        text, icon_url = data
        embed.set_footer(text=text, icon_url=icon_url)

[docs]class EmbedBlock(Block): """ An embed block will send an embed in the tag response. There are two ways to use the embed block, either by using properly formatted embed JSON from an embed generator or manually inputting the accepted embed attributes. **JSON** Using JSON to create an embed offers complete embed customization. Multiple embed generators are available online to visualize and generate embed JSON. **Usage:** ``{embed(<json>)}`` **Payload:** None **Parameter:** json **Examples:** :: {embed({"title":"Hello!", "description":"This is a test embed."})} {embed({ "title":"Here's a random duck!", "image":{"url":""}, "color":15194415 })} **Manual** The following embed attributes can be set manually: * ``title`` * ``description`` * ``color`` * ``url`` * ``thumbnail`` * ``image`` * ``footer`` * ``field`` - (See below) Adding a field to an embed requires the payload to be split by ``|``, into either 2 or 3 parts. The first part is the name of the field, the second is the text of the field, and the third optionally specifies whether the field should be inline. **Usage:** ``{embed(<attribute>):<value>}`` **Payload:** value **Parameter:** attribute **Examples:** :: {embed(color):#37b2cb} {embed(title):Rules} {embed(description):Follow these rules to ensure a good experience in our server!} {embed(field):Rule 1|Respect everyone you speak to.|false} {embed(footer):Thanks for reading!|{guild(icon)}} Both methods can be combined to create an embed in a tag. The following tagscript uses JSON to create an embed with fields and later set the embed title. :: {embed({{"fields":[{"name":"Field 1","value":"field description","inline":false}]})} {embed(title):my embed title} """ ACCEPTED_NAMES = ("embed",) ATTRIBUTE_HANDLERS = { "description": setattr, "title": setattr, "color": set_color, "colour": set_color, "url": setattr, "thumbnail": set_dynamic_url, "image": set_dynamic_url, "field": add_field, "footer": set_footer, } @staticmethod def get_embed(ctx: Context) -> Embed: return ctx.response.actions.get("embed", Embed()) @staticmethod def value_to_color(value: Optional[Union[int, str]]) -> Colour: if value is None or isinstance(value, Colour): return value if isinstance(value, int): return Colour(value) elif isinstance(value, str): return string_to_color(value) else: raise EmbedParseError("Received invalid type for color key (expected string or int)") def text_to_embed(self, text: str) -> Embed: try: data = json.loads(text) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as error: raise EmbedParseError(error) from error if data.get("embed"): data = data["embed"] if data.get("timestamp"): data["timestamp"] = data["timestamp"].strip("Z") color = data.pop("color", data.pop("colour", None)) try: embed = Embed.from_dict(data) except Exception as error: raise EmbedParseError(error) from error else: if color := self.value_to_color(color): embed.color = color return embed @classmethod def update_embed(cls, embed: Embed, attribute: str, value: str) -> Embed: handler = cls.ATTRIBUTE_HANDLERS[attribute] try: handler(embed, attribute, value) except Exception as error: raise EmbedParseError(error) from error return embed @staticmethod def return_error(error: Exception) -> str: return f"Embed Parse Error: {error}" @staticmethod def return_embed(ctx: Context, embed: Embed) -> str: try: length = len(embed) except Exception as error: return str(error) if length > 6000: return f"`MAX EMBED LENGTH REACHED ({length}/6000)`" ctx.response.actions["embed"] = embed return "" def process(self, ctx: Context) -> Optional[str]: if not ctx.verb.parameter: return self.return_embed(ctx, self.get_embed(ctx)) lowered = ctx.verb.parameter.lower() try: if ctx.verb.parameter.startswith("{") and ctx.verb.parameter.endswith("}"): embed = self.text_to_embed(ctx.verb.parameter) elif lowered in self.ATTRIBUTE_HANDLERS and ctx.verb.payload: embed = self.get_embed(ctx) embed = self.update_embed(embed, lowered, ctx.verb.payload) else: return except EmbedParseError as error: return self.return_error(error) return self.return_embed(ctx, embed)